A Love Letter to My Daughter on the Day of Your 11th Birthday, originally uploaded by Knit Girl...(in & out).
My Dearest M,
Today is your 11th birthday. As I write this love letter to you (with tears in my eyes) I am overwhelmed with joy and pride that you are my baby girl.
Eleven years ago today (at 1:10 p.m.), the nurse wrapped you up tightly and placed you in my arms. I will never forget seeing your beautiful face for the first time and experiencing such a feeling of joy that you had finally arrived. There were no other words to say to you except a tearful, “Happy Birthday, M”. I remember feeling so tired and shaky, I was afraid I would drop this precious gift. But there you remained – and you still remain tucked in so closely to my heart.
In 11 years, you haven’t changed a lot. You were almost two weeks overdue and you still love to make a grand entrance into every room, waiting until everyone is waiting for you. Your smile still lights up the room and you have the most amazing way of making me laugh right from the belly (the best kind of laugh in my humble opinion). You remain close to friends and family and will stand up for the underdog in any battle. You are creative, musical, academic, and athletic.
You have just reached a magical time in your life. It’s like that very special moment before the night becomes dawn. A time where everything is quiet until the first bird begins to quietly sing welcoming the new day. It’s that in-between moment before a new day breaks and anything is possible. I suppose that is why you are now called a “tween”. You are no longer a child, but not yet a woman. Enjoy every special moment and squeeze as much out of it as you can. For when the dawn breaks, every opportunity will lay at your feet, waiting for you to become the woman God has intended you to be.
I wish I could just freeze you in this moment of time – but I know I can’t. Because you have such a strong, independent spirit. You would smash through the ice creating waterfalls all around you. The world is never the same once you breeze through a room. You, M, are unforgettable.
You, M, are amazing!
Happy birthday my love and may God always be with you.
Love you always,
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