Friday, June 18, 2010

Ani-Procrastination Day

One of my faults is that I am a procrastinator.  It is something I have struggled with for as long as I can remember.  My daughter, bless her heart, has not fallen far from this tree.  She also needs prodding and poking to help her accomplish tasks during her day.

Today it is raining.  I have decided to make it my new weekly Anti-Procrastination Day (cue trumpets here)!  I have a list as long as the Trans-Canada highway of tasks that need to be stroked off my list.  Perhaps I’ll take baby steps and just pick a couple.  That should fill me with a great sense of accomplishment.  Hmmmm . . . how do you pick from a list so long?  Do you select the one that’s been on the list the longest?  Do you go alphabetical?  Perhaps I could try to determine which has the most priority?  Do I pick several tiny jobs or one big huge project and break it down into tiny little chewable pieces?

So many choices can be overwhelming! Perhaps I should take a little nap and tackle the list when I wake up . . .

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Just kidding!  Today I will mail out our Father’s Day presents (better late than never), submit the dates for when I played organ at church so the Treasurer can clear that off her books (I think it’s been a few months), contact my friend about travel arrangements to Saskatchewan, return a phone call from Wednesday, and re-tackle my ever-growing laundry pile which we have dubbed as Mt. Washmore.

Anything else is gravy. Speaking of gravy, I should be uber-organized and take a pot roast out for dinner and put it in the crockpot for the day. See, I can get things done.

What will you accomplish today?

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