Monday, June 14, 2010

1,001 Things I Did This Summer -- Part 1

Well, here it is folks.  The long-awaited list of "1,001 Things I Did This Summer" in lieu of watching TV.  I broke down the numbers for myself late last week.  In order to reach 1,001 I need to complete 83.41 items each week which means I need to complete 11.91 items per day.  Eeeeeek!

 I was not planning on incorporating work, laundry, or other chores into this list (since that is ongoing, and who really cares anyway) so I am left with the option of being rather "creative" with my list or come up short at the end.  I figured I'll forge ahead and trust I will complete the list on time.

I didn't upload any pictures for this blog entry -- but I do have a number of links you can visit as you read through this week's list.

1,001 Things I Did This Summer (Week 1 -- June 7-13th):
  1. Stood in the rain and cheered on my daughter's soccer team.
  2. Wrote several blog entries.
  3. Caught up on e-mail (153 message in my in-box).
  4. Worked on some photography.
  5. Started reading "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" by Kim Edwards.
  6. Played Cadoo and Yahtzee with my daughter.
  7. Did a much needed purge and clean of my closet and the rest of the house is coming along . . . baby steps.
  8. Started organizing my internet bookmarks.
  9. Catching up with my Flickr contacts.
  10. Danced in the kitchen with my hubby and daughter as we belted out a lively version of "I Am the Music Man".
  11. Watched YouTube videos of Julia Child and The Two Fat Ladies.
  12. Easily picked out jewelry and perfume to wear to work -- thanks to #7, the top of my dresser is cleaned and organized.
  13. Savoured a sweet, fat, juicy pece of watermelon with my breakfast.  Doesn't watermelon just taste like summer?
  14. Ate ice cream in the rain.
  15. Started going through 17.1 GB of pictures on my computer hoping to organize them (ha ha).
  16. Cursed the hacker that has required me to change my info.
  17. Stayed up late setting up new e-mail accounts and hcnaging contact info . . . darn hackers!!
  18. Blogged about my hatred for aforementioned hackers . . . still laughing to myself about the whole "kick in the crotch" thing.
  19. Laughed at my daughter when she found out the laptop has a calculator (that she was unaware of) -- her response was, "Sweeeeeet!"
  20. Made banana-chocolate chip muffins . . . from scratch . . . not a mix!  (OMG those smell amazing as they're baking!!!)
  21. Spent two hours with my daughter stamping and colouring her birthday invitation.
  22. Had a lovely Sunday afternoon nap.
  23. Drew chalk drawings on our driveway with my daughter.
  24. Played a round of golf with my family.
  25. Made the most delicious mushroom and cheese omelet for lunch -- yummmmmm!
Well, that's what I did this week.  I kinda fell short of this week's quota of 83.41 items, but I sure enjoyed keeping track of everything.  I have a lot plannned for this coming week.  What did you do this week?

1 comment:

  1. Well...that's quite a list. I am inspired to do more fun things that's for sure. Oh and also I am going to get some watermelon and eggs for breakfast and lunch this week! : )
