I was not planning on incorporating work, laundry, or other chores into this list (since that is ongoing, and who really cares anyway) so I am left with the option of being rather "creative" with my list or come up short at the end. I figured I'll forge ahead and trust I will complete the list on time.
I didn't upload any pictures for this blog entry -- but I do have a number of links you can visit as you read through this week's list.
I didn't upload any pictures for this blog entry -- but I do have a number of links you can visit as you read through this week's list.
1,001 Things I Did This Summer (Week 1 -- June 7-13th):
- Stood in the rain and cheered on my daughter's soccer team.
- Wrote several blog entries.
- Caught up on e-mail (153 message in my in-box).
- Worked on some photography.
- Started reading "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" by Kim Edwards.
- Played Cadoo and Yahtzee with my daughter.
- Did a much needed purge and clean of my closet and the rest of the house is coming along . . . baby steps.
- Started organizing my internet bookmarks.
- Catching up with my Flickr contacts.
- Danced in the kitchen with my hubby and daughter as we belted out a lively version of "I Am the Music Man".
- Watched YouTube videos of Julia Child and The Two Fat Ladies.
- Easily picked out jewelry and perfume to wear to work -- thanks to #7, the top of my dresser is cleaned and organized.
- Savoured a sweet, fat, juicy pece of watermelon with my breakfast. Doesn't watermelon just taste like summer?
- Ate ice cream in the rain.
- Started going through 17.1 GB of pictures on my computer hoping to organize them (ha ha).
- Cursed the hacker that has required me to change my info.
- Stayed up late setting up new e-mail accounts and hcnaging contact info . . . darn hackers!!
- Blogged about my hatred for aforementioned hackers . . . still laughing to myself about the whole "kick in the crotch" thing.
- Laughed at my daughter when she found out the laptop has a calculator (that she was unaware of) -- her response was, "Sweeeeeet!"
- Made banana-chocolate chip muffins . . . from scratch . . . not a mix! (OMG those smell amazing as they're baking!!!)
- Spent two hours with my daughter stamping and colouring her birthday invitation.
- Had a lovely Sunday afternoon nap.
- Drew chalk drawings on our driveway with my daughter.
- Played a round of golf with my family.
- Made the most delicious mushroom and cheese omelet for lunch -- yummmmmm!
Well...that's quite a list. I am inspired to do more fun things that's for sure. Oh and also I am going to get some watermelon and eggs for breakfast and lunch this week! : )